National Day holiday is coming. It’s time torelax. But it should be noted that, often accompanied with the end of theholiday, children might suffer some new problems, such as unwilling to schoolor physical discomfort. The main reason for it is that holiday disruptschildren’s life routine developed in kindergarten.
Annie, Muffy’skindergarten principal, will share with us some tips to avoid the holidaysyndromes.
Long vacation may cause children’s discomfort.
Holidayis a great time for family traveling or friends’ reunions which may also bringchildren’s life and diet irregularities. Children have developed good livinghabits in kindergarten. For example, they have set time for water and nap and areasonable nutritional diet. But it is difficult for them to keep all thesehabits at home.
Weathergets changed during the National Day holiday when summer goes and autumn comes.Climate changes and big temperature difference between the day and the nightmight lead to cold when play outside. Parents should pay attention to it.
Tips from Annie
Anniereminds parents that it is very important to help children develop good liferoutines. Lack of sleep may cause emotional discomfort, so do not let your childsleep too late to ensure adequate rest time. Avoid having much high-fat,high-calorie food, and keep a healthy and reasonable diet for your child.Ventilate more to keep the air fresh at home. Remember to wash their hands whennecessary.
Getyour child prepared for school at least one day before the end of the holiday.Parents could arrange bedtime according to school’s schedule. Inform your kidthat tomorrow is school day to make him/her psychologically prepared. Also,parents can prepare school things with your child, such as school backpack,clothes and gifts he/she wants to share with friends, to help him/her relaxedpsychologically.