Attending kindergarten, for the first time is not only a challenge forkids but also a trial for the parents. It's a new environment for kids. There areoften tears, new and strangeemotions and sicknesswhichcause parents stress and anxiety. So, when kindergartners first start at school, it can be an anxious timefor the whole family. In a recent meeting of the parents of first timekindergartners, Ms. Hu, Principal of the WangJing Campus of MIK, participatedin a question and answer session,addressing the parents’ main concerns.The sessionwas to help parents understand the process, allay their fears and help themmanage their own emotions. When parents have a relaxed and positive attitude,it helps the new students adjust better to the new environment and circumstances.
During the session, Principal Hu mentioned the two main reasons whichcause parents to hesitate sending their children to kindergarten are crying andbecoming easily sick.
Principal Hu said, when parents see their kids getting sick after they startkindergarten, they become worried and suspicious, of the school and theteachers? This raises issues of trustbetween the parent, teachers and the school. Children are influenced by these feelings of worry and anxiety. Howeverif parents understand why children get sick and that in fact it happens to allkids in all schools, all over the world, it may help them overcome their worry.
So why do kids get sick? There are three main reasons, a new environmentand change of routine, exposure to new place and people and finally stress andanxiety.
For many young children, thekindergarten is their first time out of comfort of home. They are often excited and interested to playwith new things and meet new friends, but it also comes with a change ofroutine. A routine that is differentfrom home and one that takes a little time to get used to.
Secondly, in the new environment children are exposed to a wider range ofbugs and germs. Children develop astrong immune system by being exposed to these bugs and germs, getting sick andfighting off the problem. They havealready learnt how to fight off the bugs and germs at home. Now as they meet new friends, go to newplaces, they are more exposed and susceptible to infection, and their bodiesare learning to fight these new germs.
Thirdly, just like adults,stress and negative emotions affect can affectour children’shealth. When kids arenervous and anxious, theirimmune systems canbe weaker, making them more susceptible to belly aches, ear aches andrespiratory infections.
Knowing the real causes of my children become sick can help us reduce thefrequency of kids getting sick. For example, as parents we can bring kids to kindergartenearly so that the kids to get to know the new environment. We can take kidsoutside to approach more people and teach them respectful ways express theirneeds and requirements, thenwhen they come to join the new environment willeasier to get along with other kids and teachers. Also we ask parents to have faithto our kindergarten, use model a positiveattitude for kids, and make kids feelsafe at kindergarten.
Muffy’s are committed to providing the best learning experience andliving environment. We are only too aware of this difficult time of transitionfor kids and parents and will work together with you to help you through thistime and make kindergarten an enjoyable experiences for everyone.
Are you ready grow with Muffy’s ?
from home and one that takes a little time to get used to.Secondly, in the new environment children are exposed to a wider range ofbugs and germs. Children develop astrong immune system by being exposed to these bugs and germs, getting sick andfighting off the problem. They havealready learnt how to fight off the bugs and germs at home. Now as they meet new friends, go to newplaces, they are more exposed and susceptible to infection, and their bodiesare learning to fight these new germs.
Thirdly, just like adults,stress and negative emotions affect can affectour children’shealth. When kids arenervous and anxious, theirimmune systems canbe weaker, making them more susceptible to belly aches, ear aches andrespiratory infections.